British Executions

Joseph Pearson

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: stealing

Date Of Execution: 3 Aug 1798

Crime Location:

Execution Place:

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Joseph Pearson (otherwise John Swaddler) and John Scarlett guilty of stealing from the warehouse of Thomas Cartwright and John Cartwright in the parish of Ribbesford on 18th April 1798: stealing therefrom 12 pieces of printed calico (valued at £30), 26 yards of printed calico (valued at £3), 157 printed cototn handkerchiefs (valued at £14), 20 cotton handkerchiefs (value at £.5/-), 24 linen handkerchiefs (valued at £1.7/-), a piece of diaper linen cloth (valued at 16/-) 45 yards of cotton velveteen (valued at £8.7/-), 23 yards of cotton corduroy (valued at £3.14/-), 27 yards of cotton Dimity (valued at £2.6/-), 17 ells of linen cloth (valued at 16/-), 18 pairs of worsted stockings (valued at £2), 78 yards of linen cloth (valued at £7.13/-), 42 yards of cotton and linen checks (valued at £2.13/-), 7 yards of cotton quilting (valued at £2.11/-) and 26 yards of coton check (valued at £1.10/-).